In 2019 and 2020 I got involved with the Global Paleofire Working Group. Within this group, I explored the records of the Global Paleofire Database. This is a database of (paleo-)records of fire events from the entire globe.
Is present fire regime unusual in context of the Holocene and represents a risk for societies?
That’s the question we tried to answer during a workshop in July 2019 in Besançon. From the explorations we came to during the workshop, I produced regional and global syntheses of past fire events, thanks to the paleofire R package.
I worked in closed collaboration with colleagues from the group, and especially with Boris Vannière, Anne-Laure Daniau, Florent Mouillot, Daniele Colombaroli, and Olivier Blarquez.
Thanks to @raquelraclette for the background of the featured image.