I already wrote about PolyCounter, this software that I like so much to count pollen and other objects within palynological slides. PolyCounter comes with 3 layers of 45 keys (i.e., taxa) each, so as to say a potential of 135 taxa to count. It’s a lot! But sometimes it’s not enough. For instance, it took me several months of counting to design and improve my template. The taxa are ordered in a meaningful way to me, ensuring a faster counting. The counterpart is that I want to always use the same template, and some rare or ephemeral taxa are not included. There is a solution for this. It’s actually a tip directly from Takeshi Nakagawa: just open a second PolyCounter! You now have a potential of 270 taxa! Of course pay attention to save your data in a different file, and when all your countings are done, simply merge your data together.