Year: 2017

A new era for the documentation of pollen counting data

As many of you already know, I’m a big fan of PolyCounter from Takeshi Nakagawa (find it here if you haven’t yet: PolyCounter introduced a modern way to acquiring data of Quaternary-palaeo-ecological samples, replacing the old-fashioned pen and paper by your computer. With PolyCounter, your counting data are instantly accumulated and stored in a numeric file, which is just what you need before you can actually visualise your data, and eventually apply fancy statistics on them.

Some potential users, however, have a (legitimate) fear of loosing data. Well, I would first argue that backing up data is one’s self duty, and actually a most-recommened practise for any kind of numerical data. But, regarding these counting data, I would mostly tell about particular features of PolyCounter.

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Posted by Benjamin in Lab Notes, Software, 0 comments

Talk about pyrophilous and coprophilous fungi, given at the VIIth NPP Workshop, Liverpool

Recently, I gave a talk about the ecological significance about some fungal spores found in peat bogs of the Central Alps, in Switzerland. I suggested these spores of coprophilous and pyrophilous fungal taxa can be used for assessing past land-use. However, things are not so simple, as we discussed during the following question time 🙂

Posted by Benjamin in Lab Notes, 0 comments

Talk to come

I’ll be giving a talk next Tuesday (June 13th) in Liverpool, at the 7th NPP Workshop. I’ll talk about the value of pyrophilous and coprophilous fungi to investigate past human activities, taking the example of data published in The Holocene (

Posted by Benjamin in Announcements, 0 comments


Last week was a short one. Thursday was off, and in such circumstances, people here usually also take the Friday off, and enjoy a looooong week-end. More explanations about this phenomenon in this video:

I took this opportunity to work on a rather big project I’m truly dreaming of since years: plotting palynological diagrams with R! Since my Master studies, I’m using Tilia, which I became good at. I can produce complete, elegant diagrams, from scratch, in only a few hours.

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Posted by Benjamin in Lab Notes, Software, 0 comments

Oral communication accepted to the MedPalyno Symposium

On September 2017, I’ll be giving a synthesis talk at the MedPalyno symposium held in Barcelona (Spain). The MedPalyno symposium brings together the French, Italian, and Spanish-speakers palaeo-ecologists. I’ll present (an attempt of) a synthesis of the multi-disciplinary palaeo-environmental studies carried out so far in the High Doubs Valley (France).

Posted by Benjamin in Announcements, 0 comments